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 Server and Forum Rules.

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Forum Points : 60
Join date : 2009-12-22

Server and Forum Rules. Vide
PostSubject: Server and Forum Rules.   Server and Forum Rules. I_icon_minitime2/13/2010, 10:05 am

*These rules must be followed at all times, no exceptions.

1. Offensive/Inappropriate Language, Swearing, Censor Evading and Flaming
It is broken down into three parts.
1.1. Offensive/Inappropriate Language: Any use of offensive or inappropriate language is inexcusable and not tolerated. You are old enough to settle things accordingly and handle things with care. You are not allowed to use any sort of offensive language towards another person, anywhere.
1.2. Swearing: Swearing is allowed to a certain extent. You are allowed to swear as long as it is not directed at anyone but yourself.
1.3. Censor Evasion: Evading the censor will not be tolerated for any reason. You are not allowed to censor evade to swear even. Example: “F**k you, or S**t”.
1.4. Flaming: The use of slanderous, defamatory, obscene, indecent, lewd, pornographic, violent, abusive, insulting, threatening and harassing comments towards other users are not tolerated.

2. Spamming
It is simple; do not make any unnecessary posts, topics, and replies. Creating topics ANYWHERE, including the Spam Section, with a single word, with an emoticon, or a strand of random numbers is completely against the rules. Creating replies with single words or a smiley face is only tolerated in sections where your post count does not increase. Gravedigging is also considered spamming. Gravedigging is when you reply to an old topic which has not had any replies in while. Check the dates before replying.

3. Scamming
Any sort of scamming is against the rules which include item scamming, premium scamming, and any other form of scamming. People who do scam will be dealt with harshly. Do not trust a person with your items, if you ‘lend’ someone an item and they don’t give it back, that is YOUR fault because you gave them consent.

4. Inappropriate Content
Posting any sort of pictures or videos of violent, pornographic, or offensive content is not permitted.

5. Links to Other Communities and Referral Links
Links to other forums, communities, and websites are not permitted. Links to common communities are allowed, example: MoparScape, Rune-Server, etc. All media based links are permitted as long as they stay within the rules (Rule 4), example: YouTube, Photobucket, ImageShack. This does include referral links. You are not allowed to place any sort of referral link ANYWHERE. All other, foreign links must be checked by staff before permission is given.

6. Disrespecting Members of Staff and/or Their Decisions
Staff decisions are final and it is not your place to second them. Respect all members of staff. If you have a problem with a staff member, send them a message and try to work it out. Do not create threads insulting staff members or anything of the sort.

7. Staff Impersonation
Pretending to be a member of staff is against the rules and you will be punished. Usernames deliberately resembling current staff members or including the terms ‘Mod’ or ‘Admin’ are also not allowed.

8. Account Sharing
You are not allowed to log onto anybody else’s account regardless of the reason. You are not permitted to share accounts with anybody. When creating an account, it is bound to you; you are not permitted to make other people accounts.(This IS account sharing.) Accounts found to be shared will be locked without notice.

9. Real World Trading
This is not a black market site/community/forum. You are not allowed to sell anything PhilScape related things for any currency other than PhilScape GP. You are not allowed to trade/sell/buy accounts, no exceptions. You are also not allowed to do any services for other people, example: fire caping. You are not allowed to buy/sell/trade anything RuneScape related either. The only debate in this is forum related content is Gold Membership. Gold Membership is the only thing allowed to be sold on the forums for PhilScape Gp/Items ONLY.

10. Bug Abuse
Exploiting any sort of bug for whatever reason is not tolerated and will be dealt with in a harsh manner. If you have discovered a bug within the game or forum please post a bug report HERE. Do not tell anybody the details of your report.

11. Personal Information
Posting anyone’s personal information without their permission is completely against the rules. Personal information is personal. This includes addresses, phone numbers, pictures, videos, etc.

12. Macroing
Macroing is the use of third party software that gives you an advantage. You are not allowed to use any sort of autoing tools to gain an advantage. This includes, but is not limited to: auto-typing, auto-clicking, mouse recorders, etc.

13. Foreign Language
The only permitted language to be used in-game or on the PhilScape forum is English. The only exception is the International board. PhilScape is run by English speaking people and we ask you have the courtesy to speak our language. Users have tried to use other languages as a method of ignoring the rules.

14. Sectional Rules
Majority of the boards will have additional rules to them which must be followed. These rules are to be followed in every board but the sectional rules go into more specific detail on which rules are to be followed and which ones can be bent.

15. Trolls
"A "troll" is someone who intentionally and persistently posts inflammatory messages about sensitive topics to bait users into responding or provoke a confrontation. We also consider people to be trolls when they persistently misuse product features such as the ratings system to negatively target others."
The staff’s time is too valuable to be spent on trolls. If you’ve come here to troll and waste our time, then you will be disposed of. The staff has more important things to deal with and cannot be bothered to waste their time with you. This server and forum is to entertain and educate, not be a playground to kids.

16. Threatening Other Players
Anything from making real life threats to Denial Of Service attacks are completely against the rules. We don't like bullies and DOS attacks are against the law. Don't expect mercy, we have zero tolerance for these kind of things.
16B. Denial Of Service Attacks (DOS/DDOS)
Threatening to or attacking another player or even the website will be taken very seriously and is strictly against the rules, not to mention the law.
17. The Wilderness

18. Threads Directed Towards or About Other Users
Posting threads directed at or about other users is stricly forbidden. This includes but is not restricted to threads to discuss a certain user/their behaviour, threads targeting/insulting/slandering other users and any kind of derogatory threads. Please use Private Messages if you wish to give somebody a message.

If somebody has broken any of the above rules or has offended you, please post a Player Report [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.].
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Server and Forum Rules.

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